Lecture week 2

October 13, 2014 § Leave a comment

Why you cant write a good essay in a week:

Time,asthetics and composition – how do we evaluate writing

  • In more strongly ‘fact’ based disciplines.
  • Area of study (gap analysis)
  • Hypothesis- Cs peirce Abduction + semiotics
  • Experimental Design – Creativity
  • Internal Relational coherance
  • Relations with world (through data aquistion)

In cultural studies/humanities

Emphasis upon meaning production

An essay has context but is also interpretative ;

  • Persuasive
  • Coherent
  • Enlightening
  • Constructs away of seeing/ the drawing of an aspect

Importance of relations

External relations

  • Explicit (refercing)
  • Implicit/tacit
  • Metaphor/tone/style

Annecdotes – powerful image usually intended to demonstrate wider significance – sometimes require active dimension

  • Deleuze American blankets/dressings from infermaries
  • left on indian trade route

Monty hall paradox

  • Used to establish/demonstrate the idea of cognitive illusions
  • Describe problem:host opens different door to choice and shows goat then offers a choice to switch or not
  • Controversy in math journals
  • Marilyn Vos Savants response.


S – Substitue

C – Combine

A – Adapt – change some part of problem so that it works where it didnt before

M – Modify – consider attributes size,shape,colour etc

P – Purpose – modify intention of subject

E – Eliminate – remove any or all elements of your subject,reduce,eliminate

R – Reverse – change the direction and orientation

R – Rearrange – modify the order and heirachy

M – Magnify – zoom in on something, amplify its intensity


  • What keywords can you substitue or swap in to improve the title/sequence?
  • What refrences or methodologies did you think you would use. Substitue there for something different?
  • What keywords could you substitute with your own?
  • Can you use this idea somewhere else, substitute the context for something else, or use the idea as a substitute for something else?


  • What would happen if you combined this idea with another,would this create something new? write this in a sentence


  • How could you adapt or read just this sentence to serve another purpose or use?
  • Adapt your so words into a quotation


  • How could you change the shape/look,or feel of your 50 words?

Put another use

  • Can you use this sentence somewhere else, perhaps in another paragraph


  • How could streamline or simplify this sentence/paragraph/chapter.


  • What would happen if you reversed things or went about things or went about things backwards,the wrong way around
  • Can you argue from the inside out or sequence.

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