Roy Lichtenstein

January 22, 2015 § Leave a comment


January 19, 2015 § Leave a comment

Look at these main princesses as they are seen as main aspects of the disney princesses.

  1. Aurora, Sleeping Beauty
  2. Snow White, Snow White
  3. Cinderella, Cinderella
  4. Ariel, The Little Mermaid
  5. Belle, Beauty and the Beast
  6. Jasmine, Aladdin
  7. Rapunzel, Tangled
  8. Tiana, The Princess and the Frog
  9. Pocahontas, Pocahontas
  10. Mulan, Mulan

For and idea i was thinking of looking at disney princesses in traditional wear which looks at the idea of stereotypes and how they should actully look in this aya dn age they are based in.

Another idea just look at feminism in disney as a whole and draw from this idea.

Disney as pinups.

Symbolic art before paper

December 15, 2014 § Leave a comment

Painting on found objects

December 15, 2014 § Leave a comment

I started to look at the idea in the future with everything beginning to slowing run out, the idea of there being low stocks of things such as paper so more found objects are used instead.

Concept, ideas and research.

December 9, 2014 § Leave a comment

My FMP Concept is  : Expose stereotypes in a participial Disney approach.

My idea for this is to arrange a series of visuals of Disney characters and roles swapped around.

My Primary research is to engage with a certain social group such as Disney fans pages and collect a survey of opinions on Disney as a whole with a set of questions. Also i will watch the movies and take stereotypes and roles i see throughout the films myself just from watching them as a performance. My secondary research will be to collect a visual collection of gender norms in Disney along with throughout society in past to future. I will also look into how media exposure is used throughout the world.

Other extra will be things such as Disney style,body image,voices,merchandise,audience etc.

My D&AD Concept it : A journey into the future of communication.

My idea for this is a series of illustrations in a media which doesn’t yet exist/or looks like something we’d use in the future which will show future technology and the idea of telepathic communication used to transfer these ‘files’ to one another.

1.Telepathy idea, in the future we wont need computers and phones to send software, we can just send some kind of wave from brains to send these files to one another.

2.Install computers into the body to recieve data, devices are already small enough to fit inside our body but these tiny computers will allow us to communicate wirelessly without phones and computers.

3.We can store all memories and knowledge in your hard drive, Storage drivers will accompany you for the rest of your life which will allow you to run the memories anytime you desire.

4.communicate through thought transmission, Picking up thoughts and relaying them to another brain this “communication” should be understood to be electrical signals rather than words.

My Primary research – No idea hoped you could maybe help me with this.

My Secondary research will be to collect a visual collection of communication technology through time. I will also look into different illustrative styles and unusual ways which have already be used to present things graphically.

Ideas for Wetransfer in 10 years

December 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

I want to link my project to wetransfer in the future so that it has some link to the company itself and not just me, these means the idea of downloading and uploading files to one another in the future and how it could change by then.

Some ideas;

Telepathy idea, in the future we wont need computers and phones to send software, we can just send some kind of wave from brains to send these files to one another.

Install computers into the body to recieve data, devices are already small enough to fit inside our body but these tiny computers will allow us to communicate wirelessly without phones and computers.

We can store all memories and knowledge in your hard drive, Storage drivers will accompany you for the rest of your life which will allow you to run the memories anytime you desire.

We will have the ability to communicate through thought transmission

Transmission will be just as easy as other forms of brain augmentation. Picking up thoughts and relaying them to another brain will not be much harder than storing them on the net.Synthetic telepathy sounds like something out of Hollywood but it is absolutely possible, so long as “communication” is understood to be electrical signals rather than words.

10 Ways the Next 10 Years Are Going To Be Mind-Blowing

December 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

1) Bio Technology

Bionic Hand controlled by brain signals.

2) Architecture

Revolving Tower in Dubai

This beautiful building is going to be made of 59 independently rotating modules/floors so that inhabitants will have a constantly shifting view of the outside world. Each floor will rotate at approximately 6 meters per minute so that the inhabitants will not notice the movement. The independent rotations will also give the building an ever-changing exterior that can warp into very complex designs

3) Computer Speed, Size and Usability

Ray Kurzweil, a well-respected Futurist, stated in 2008 that when this molecular computing technology comes out in 2020, computers will have the intellectual capability of human beings. You might want to digest that for a minute before moving onto the next section.

4) Cars and Fuel

There are tons of different fuel-types for the “automobiles of tomorrow” but the only kind that seems to have any realistic chance of actually being used by the masses in the next ten years is electric. We still can’t figure out how to make hydrogen fuel cells efficient, safe and practical and hybrids/deisal cars are yesterday’s news.

5) How We Interact With the World

The way in which we interact with the outside world has changed SO much since the introduction of the internet, smart phones, etc. In the very near future, another huge jump will be made: integrating the information on the internet with our surroundings.

By that I mean being able to look at a building, product or place and immediately seeing information about the subject on our devices and eventually just with our eyes.

If you’re still confused as to what I mean, check out the earliest innovation of this concept, Goggles by Google. This app allows you to take a picture of whatever you are looking at and instantly receive info about it on your Android phone.

6) Energy

Solar energy will soon leave fossil fuels and inefficient wind farms in the dust.Sandia’s solar cells are made of 100 times less material than the current top solar cells while operating at the same efficiency. Since the biggest hurdle in the path of solar power is the expensive and large nature of solar panels, these new microscopic cells will make a huge difference.

7) Health

While we still can’t cure the common cold, custom-made organs are just around the corner.

A company called Organovo has developed the first commercial 3-D bio printer that builds custom organs cell-by-cell. Each individual cell is based upon sample cells from the body of the customer. Organovo reports that veins and arteries will be available in 5 years, and more complex organs like hearts and livers in 10.

8) Success and Popularity Accessibility

By that, I mean the ability of a Joe Nobody to come from nowhere and suddenly gain recognition and become a well known someone. The internet has been continually leveling the playing field so that you don’t need million in capital or marketing to get your ideas, creations and business into the spotlight.

10 year-olds are making thousands off their viral YouTube videos. Anyone with a business idea can start a website and get going for little to no capital.

9) Robots

While we’re still far away from having bots helping around the house or doing our construction, big strides have been made towards that future.

Recently a robot was able to teach itself human facial expressions by randomly contorting its face and receiving feedback on what resembled real expressions.

10) Clothing

Nanotechnology in Clothing

Nano-fibres will make garments tremendously more comfortable and durable. “By this process the textile products can be made more attractive, strong and responsive to customers’ choice.”

Fiber-based nanogenerators will build up electrical energy in clothing from physical movement, ultrasonic waves and even blood flow. “If we can combine many of these fibers in double or triple layers in clothing, we could provide a flexible, foldable and wearable power source that, for example, would allow people to generate their own electrical current while walking.”

December 2, 2014 § Leave a comment








Q&A Interview with WeTransfer’s Co-Founder Nalden

December 2, 2014 § Leave a comment


LF: What was your vision when you first launched in 2009, and how has it evolved to bring us to what We Transfer is today?

We started with a fast and simple tool that empowers people to send large files for free. Allowing everyone to quickly upload 2GB, so people can get back to making stuff that might change the world. Today we put discovery at the heart of the service.

We love to showcase a lot of creative work next to the advertising we show when people download or upload files. It’s a productivity tool first and foremost, then again, we’d like to think the overall user-experience sets us apart from the rest.

Can you discuss how you feel about the current state of advertising? We for instance, are planning to completely remove banner ads from the website upon relaunch of our new design. Can you tell us about your experience in making the site profitable in a completely non traditional way?

Using full-screen images as our business model was the idea from the beginning. It actually originated from the blog I used to have. I was never a big fan of the existing banner ads cuz the fuck up the design of a website and are super obtrusive. I wanted to have ads be part of the design of the site and till this very day challenge brands to think about the aesthetics and put some more love into their ads haha. It’s been a educational journey of over 3 years now when we educate media agencies to try this unconventional way of ‘full-screen advertising’. First, it was hard to get people advertise with us due to the different size. It requires some extra work you know. But, as explained here, advertising can be so much more than a click-through. And luckily, we get CTR’s of 2% – 4% too ;)

Again, the advertising was a way for us to keep offer the service as a FREE to use service. So far we’re still able to cover the crazy hosting costs with ads that people generally like.

LF: Which artists / platforms are you most interested by when it comes to We Transfer content partnerships such as what we are doing now?

I’m a big fan of Kickstarter. I think it’s one of the most exciting online businesses out there. There’s a lot of good karma in there and they stay close to their beliefs. I like that. At the same time it’s about empowering the creative community. And that’s also what we’re about.

LF: How important is creativity in the day to day of your business?

Very. I mean, it’s everywhere right? You need creativity for the design of the service. Sometimes that means adding features, most of the time it means removing features to keep the product as simple as possible. At the same time we need creativity in terms of scaling the infrastructure of the service or do epic math formulas with our CFO. With 20 million active users every month, and a small team of 20 people, it requires a lot of creativity to keep this thing going!

LF: Who inspires you?

It goes from everyone who’s featured in Fast Company to my dad, my good friends and people with shiny eyes!

LF: How do you stay positive?

By appreciating the small things in live. Seriously, life is beautiful.

LF: Where do you see WeTransfer in 5 years?

WeTransfer will be for sharing, what Google is for searching.

LF: How FAST do you live?

I guess there’s a bit of every category from your site in my life. I’m into fashion, love art, have sex every day and travel a lot.

WeTransfer Ads

December 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

File-sharing service WeTransfer works like YouSendIt — you upload a giant file to the cloud, and the person you want to share it with is emailed a link to the download page — except that WeTransfer serves the downloader really pretty ads in the background while you wait. I hadn’t heard of the company until I read about them on NOTCOT, where Jean Aw reported to loving the ads:

“I have a mesmerizing user-experience crush on WeTransfer right now. If I’m going to have to wait for ages to download files — it might as well be fun. There is an awesomely playful and elegant experience when I land on WeTransfer, and I actually love watching it download and excitedly await the next AD coming up.”

Full-screen wallpaper units in high resolution, like beautiful magazine ads brought to a website.

Focusing on an alternative approach to advertising, WeTransfer has surpassed the dated concept of banner ads and uses clean, creative, full screen ads as the background to their website – giving different businesses a platform while appealing to the eye.

There is no doubt that the fullscreen advertising model that WeTransfer has perfected represents a very exciting prospect for the future of brand marketing. Nalden sums up the key advantage that the non-intrusive method has over traditional online advertising: “People are clicking on our ads with a view to seeing what’s behind there, and that’s a really valuable click.”


Offering “50% of ad-inventory to the most forward-thinking young creatives free of charge,” WeTransfer is honing in on the concept of “paying it forward” and is doing it well. It’s refreshing to see a company that is just four years old change the game of advertising, creativity and online communication. Based out of Amsterdam and SF, WeTransfer is succeeding in creating not only a useful company, admirable business model and stimulating creativity – they are also creating a community of movers and shakers to effectively collaborate. We were fortunate enough to get a chance to pick WeTransfer co-founder Nalden’s brain about the state of advertising, current inspirations and the future of the company, amongst other things.

Heinz Wallpaper Ad on WeTransfer

Lady Gaga Wallpaper Ad on WeTransfer